by having my photo taken when I'd rather be climbing some of those cool rock formations around me in the Wichita Mountains

unless you fail the landing, then it's one small step and a few hundred feet of tumbling (it was only one small step). Wichita Mountains

A nice way to start out a day of climbing on lower Mount Scott.

In the Narrows at the Wichita Mountains

Wichita Mountains

Exposure Rock Climbing Gym

Lower Mount Scott

Crazy Alice is the name of the route, of course...I'm sure that girl is perfectly sane.

Looking down onto the Cache Creek which flows through (and sometimes floods - ask me how I know) the Narrows in the Wichita Mountains.

Always nice to look down and see your belayer hasn't fallen asleep or left you on your own

The North Texas Outdoor Pursuit Center...if you haven't, you certainly should.

This was a fun route at Exposure Rock Climbing Gym

If you haven't, you certainly should.

Looking down on Lake Lawtonka...love that place

I love climbing with girls...no matter the position in which the route forces their bodies, they still manage to look so...graceful ;)

But from that distance, it could be Waldo.

This was a nice granite route in Southern California

Shoes so tight and painful, I never put them on until the very last minute

This was a tough off width crack in Southern California

Mountain Hardwear makes great gear for staying warm and dry when it's cold and wet on a mountain

Hint: I'm the non-granite thing in the picture.

One of the many routes that utilize the nice overhangs at Exposure.

Exposure Climbing Gym offers some interesting overhung routes to build forearm strength and develop good technique